create or replace function decode(variadic p_decode_list text[])
returns text
-- 获取数组长度(即入参个数)
v_len integer := array_length(p_decode_list, 1);
-- 声明存放返回值的变量
v_ret text;
-- 同Oracle相同当参数不足三个抛出异常
if v_len >= 3 then
-- Oracle中的DECODE是拿第一个数依次和之后的偶数位值进行比较,相同则取偶数位+1的数值
for i in 2..(v_len - 1) loop
v_ret := null;
if mod(i, 2) = 0 then
if p_decode_list[1] = p_decode_list[i] then
v_ret := p_decode_list[i+1];
elsif p_decode_list[1] <> p_decode_list[i] then
if v_len = i + 2 and v_len > 3 then
v_ret := p_decode_list[v_len];
end if;
end if;
end if;
exit when v_ret is not null;
end loop;
raise exception 'UPG-00938: not enough args for function.';
end if;
return v_ret;
language plpgsql;
-- 测试1
select decode('_a','_aa', 'x') a3,
decode('_a','_aa', 'x', 's') a4,
decode('_a', '_aa', 'x', '_b', 's') a5,
decode('_b', '_aa', 'x', '_b', 's') a5,
decode('_a', '_aa', 'x', '_b', 's', 'o', 'x', 'tt') a6;
-- 测试2
with xx as
select 'M' sex
union all
select 'F' sex
union all
select 'X' sex
union all
select 'Z' sex
union all
select '' sex
select sex, decode(sex, 'M', '男', 'F', '女', decode(sex, 'X', '变性', '其它')) from xx;
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