1. 实例删除
su - db2inst1
su - root
cd /ibmdb2/V10.5/instance
./db2idrop -g db2inst1
2. GPFS集群删除
1. Unmount all GPFS file systems on all nodes by issuing the mmumount all -a command.
mmlsfs all
mmumount all -a
2. Issue the mmdelfs command for each file system in the cluster to remove GPFS file systems.
mmlsfs all
mmdelfs /dev/gpfs1nsd
3. Issue the mmdelnsd command for each NSD in the cluster to remove the NSD volume ID written on
sector 2.
If the NSD volume ID is not removed and the disk is again used with GPFS at a later time, you will
receive an error message when issuing the mmcrnsd command. See NSD creation fails with a message
referring to an existing NSD in the GPFS: Problem Determination Guide.
mmdelnsd gpfs1nsd
4. Issue the mmshutdown -a command to shutdown GPFS on all nodes.
mmshutdown -a
5. 删除集群
db2cluster -cfs -delete -domain gpfsdomain.psfc
3. DB2软件卸载
cd $DB2DIR/install
./db2_deinstall -a
rm -rf ~db2inst1/das ~db2inst1/sqllib
rm -rf $DB2DIR /var/db2
rm -rf /tmp/db2*.log.* /tmp/db2*.log /tmp/db2prereqcheck.* /tmp/db2prereq.* /tmp/dasupdt.log.* /tmp/db2iupdt.log.* /tmp/db2iupdt.trc.* /tmp/db2_deinstall* /tmp/db2sd /tmp/ibm.db2.cluster.* /tmp/compileGPL.log.* /tmp/db2log.* /tmp/db2icrt.trc.* /tmp/uninstallSAM.* /tmp/uninstallGPFS.log.* /tmp/db2dump.*
userdel -r db2inst1
userdel -r db2fenc1
groupdel db2grp
groupdel db2fgrp
groupdel db2oper