1)RTSP(Runtime Stream Protocol)协议方向
因为我们用的 海康机器人工业相机 MV-CU060-10GM 这款相机,不支持 RTSP 协议。
如下博客适用于 海康威视摄像头,并不适用于 海康工业相机,如果是使用海康威视摄像头的小伙伴可以参考下。
python语言下使用opencv接口cv2.VideoCapture()接口调用海康机器人工业相机 (此篇博文可以重点看!!!)
pyQT5 学习使用 笔记 六 pyQt5+opencv 显示海康GIGE相机动态视频流 (该方式虽然实现了视频的实时显示,但是,无法被给前端直接调用)
web实时显示摄像头图像(python) (此篇博文可以重点看!!!)
4)Flask 的相关教程和博客
二、Python 代码实现
前提条件:将 *C:\Program Files (x86)\MVS\Development\Samples\Python* 目录下的 MvImport 目录,copy到自己的工程目录下,创建测试文件 TestGrabImage.py
# -- coding: utf-8 --import cv2import sysimport copyimport msvcrtimport numpy as npfrom ctypes import *sys.path.append("./MvImport")from MvCameraControl_class import *if __name__ == "__main__": deviceList = MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST() tlayerType = MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MV_USB_DEVICE # ch:枚举设备 | en:Enum device ret = MvCamera.MV_CC_EnumDevices(tlayerType, deviceList) if ret != 0: print ("enum devices fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) sys.exit() if deviceList.nDeviceNum == 0: print ("find no device!") sys.exit() print ("find %d devices!" % deviceList.nDeviceNum) for i in range(0, deviceList.nDeviceNum): mvcc_dev_info = cast(deviceList.pDeviceInfo[i], POINTER(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)).contents if mvcc_dev_info.nTLayerType == MV_GIGE_DEVICE: print ("\ngige device: [%d]" % i) strModeName = "" for per in mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.chModelName: strModeName = strModeName + chr(per) print ("device model name: %s" % strModeName) nip1 = ((mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0xff000000) >> 24) nip2 = ((mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) nip3 = ((mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) nip4 = (mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo.nCurrentIp & 0x000000ff) print ("current ip: %d.%d.%d.%d\n" % (nip1, nip2, nip3, nip4)) elif mvcc_dev_info.nTLayerType == MV_USB_DEVICE: print ("\nu3v device: [%d]" % i) strModeName = "" for per in mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo.chModelName: if per == 0: break strModeName = strModeName + chr(per) print ("device model name: %s" % strModeName) strSerialNumber = "" for per in mvcc_dev_info.SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo.chSerialNumber: if per == 0: break strSerialNumber = strSerialNumber + chr(per) print ("user serial number: %s" % strSerialNumber) nConnectionNum = 0 if int(nConnectionNum) >= deviceList.nDeviceNum: print ("intput error!") sys.exit() # ch:创建相机实例 | en:Creat Camera Object cam = MvCamera() # ch:选择设备并创建句柄 | en:Select device and create handle stDeviceList = cast(deviceList.pDeviceInfo[int(nConnectionNum)], POINTER(MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)).contents ret = cam.MV_CC_CreateHandle(stDeviceList) if ret != 0: print ("create handle fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) sys.exit() # ch:打开设备 | en:Open device ret = cam.MV_CC_OpenDevice(MV_ACCESS_Exclusive, 0) if ret != 0: print ("open device fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) sys.exit() # ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera) if stDeviceList.nTLayerType == MV_GIGE_DEVICE: nPacketSize = cam.MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize() if int(nPacketSize) > 0: ret = cam.MV_CC_SetIntValue("GevSCPSPacketSize", nPacketSize) if ret != 0: print ("Warning: Set Packet Size fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) else: print ("Warning: Get Packet Size fail! ret[0x%x]" % nPacketSize) # ch:设置触发模式为off | en:Set trigger mode as off ret = cam.MV_CC_SetEnumValue("TriggerMode", MV_TRIGGER_MODE_OFF) if ret != 0: print ("set trigger mode fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) sys.exit() # ch:获取数据包大小 | en:Get payload size stParam = MVCC_INTVALUE() memset(byref(stParam), 0, sizeof(MVCC_INTVALUE)) ret = cam.MV_CC_GetIntValue("PayloadSize", stParam) if ret != 0: print ("get payload size fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) sys.exit() nPayloadSize = stParam.nCurValue # ch:开始取流 | en:Start grab image ret = cam.MV_CC_StartGrabbing() if ret != 0: print ("start grabbing fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) sys.exit() stDeviceList = MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX() memset(byref(stDeviceList), 0, sizeof(stDeviceList)) data_buf = (c_ubyte * nPayloadSize)() ret = cam.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout(byref(data_buf), nPayloadSize, stDeviceList, 1000) if ret == 0: print ("get one frame: Width[%d], Height[%d], nFrameNum[%d]" % (stDeviceList.nWidth, stDeviceList.nHeight, stDeviceList.nFrameNum)) nRGBSize = stDeviceList.nWidth * stDeviceList.nHeight * 3 stConvertParam=MV_SAVE_IMAGE_PARAM_EX() stConvertParam.nWidth = stDeviceList.nWidth stConvertParam.nHeight = stDeviceList.nHeight stConvertParam.pData = data_buf stConvertParam.nDataLen = stDeviceList.nFrameLen stConvertParam.enPixelType = stDeviceList.enPixelType stConvertParam.nImageLen = stConvertParam.nDataLen stConvertParam.nJpgQuality = 70 stConvertParam.enImageType = MV_Image_Jpeg stConvertParam.pImageBuffer = (c_ubyte * nRGBSize)() stConvertParam.nBufferSize = nRGBSize # ret = cam.MV_CC_ConvertPixelType(stConvertParam) print(stConvertParam.nImageLen) ret = cam.MV_CC_SaveImageEx2(stConvertParam) if ret != 0: print ("convert pixel fail ! ret[0x%x]" % ret) del data_buf sys.exit() file_path = "AfterConvert_RGB2.jpg" file_open = open(file_path.encode('ascii'), 'wb+') img_buff = (c_ubyte * stConvertParam.nImageLen)() cdll.msvcrt.memcpy(byref(img_buff), stConvertParam.pImageBuffer, stConvertParam.nImageLen) file_open.write(img_buff) print ("Save Image succeed!") # ch:停止取流 | en:Stop grab image ret = cam.MV_CC_StopGrabbing() if ret != 0: print ("stop grabbing fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) del data_buf sys.exit() # ch:关闭设备 | Close device ret = cam.MV_CC_CloseDevice() if ret != 0: print ("close deivce fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) del data_buf sys.exit() # ch:销毁句柄 | Destroy handle ret = cam.MV_CC_DestroyHandle() if ret != 0: print ("destroy handle fail! ret[0x%x]" % ret) del data_buf sys.exit() del data_buf
2)Python+Qt 实现视频流实时显示测试代码
前提条件:将 *C:\Program Files (x86)\MVS\Development\Samples\Python* 目录下的 MvImport 目录,copy到自己的工程目录下,创建测试文件 TestVideoStream.py
# -- coding: utf-8 --import cv2from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgetsfrom PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignalfrom PyQt5.QtGui import *import numpy as np #from CameraControl_header import MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST#from mainWindow import Ui_MainWindow # 导入创建的GUI类import sysimport threadingimport msvcrtfrom ctypes import *sys.path.append("./MvImport")from MvCameraControl_class import *from Ui_MainWindow import *from CameraParams_header import * class mywindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): sendAddDeviceName = pyqtSignal() #定义一个添加设备列表的信号。 deviceList = MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST() g_bExit = False # ch:创建相机实例 | en:Creat Camera Object cam = MvCamera() def connect_and_emit_sendAddDeviceName(self): # Connect the sendAddDeviceName signal to a slot. self.sendAddDeviceName.connect(self.SelectDevice) # Emit the signal. self.sendAddDeviceName.emit() def __init__(self): super(mywindow, self).__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.connect_and_emit_sendAddDeviceName() self.butopenCam.clicked.connect(lambda:self.openCam(self.camSelect.currentData())) self.butcloseCam.clicked.connect(self.closeCam) # setting main window geometry desktop_geometry = QtWidgets.QApplication.desktop() # 获取屏幕大小 main_window_width = desktop_geometry.width() # 屏幕的宽 main_window_height = desktop_geometry.height() # 屏幕的高 rect = self.geometry() # 获取窗口界面大小 window_width = rect.width(