当开发者每提交一笔Pull Request/Commit时,都会有代码修改量,包含新增了多少行代码、删除了多少行代码。这属于过程动态的统计方式。还可以统计仓库代码量,不关注提交过程,只关注存留的代码量。这属于静态的统计方式。每位开发者都会关注自己贡献的代码量,此文就总结下,各个代码量统计方式。
1、git log统计每笔提交的修改量
先看下git log相关的参数说明。
git log 参数说明
Similar to --stat, but shows number of added and deleted lines in decimal notation and pathname without abbreviation, to make it more machine friendly. For binary files, outputs two
instead of saying 0 0
Output only the last line of the --stat format containing total number of modified files, as well as number of added and deleted lines.
使用–stat参数主要可以在git log 的基础上输出文件增删改的统计数据。
$ git log --stat
commit fa71c098e2912b69a1c82348d403b3260f2dc64e (HEAD -> temp_temp)
Author: zz********g <z********g@gmail.com>
Date: Wed Aug 12 17:19:05 2020 +0800
add txt file and dir # commit信息
txt/a.txt | 1 + # 文件修改状态,添加或删除了多少行
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) # 统计变更文件数量
commit d0411d5e8d26be3abde076e24f026b25cc2e7819 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Merge: ae99435 faf351b
Author: ******** <d********g@h****I.com>
Date: Tue Feb 21 12:54:28 2023 +0000
!1358 add communication_dsoftbus commiter
Merge pull request !1358 from michael4096/master
commit ae99435b2347d4b648c03f9dcf7d7e095bb150a4
Author: z********o <z********0@h****I.com>
Date: Tue Feb 21 12:42:59 2023 +0000
!1360 Add libabigail and elfutils to openharmony-sig
* Add libabigail and elfutils to openharmony-sig
2 0 sig/sig-basicsoftwareservice/sig-basicsoftwareservice.md
2 0 sig/sig-basicsoftwareservice/sig-basicsoftwareservice_cn.md
6 2 sig/sigs.json
3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
encoding=_encoding, cwd=WORKING_DIR + project_name)
在检出的代码仓目录下,执行 cmd=[‘git’, ‘log’, ‘–shortstat’, ‘–numstat’],处理输出,就可以统计出来仓库每一笔提交的代码增删修改量。
使用cloc工具统计仓库代码量,cloc相关的参数如下,其中force-lang-def指定支持的编程语言定义,by-file-by-lang 指定按编程语言按文件分别输出。
--read-lang-def=E:\\WorkSpace\\lmk-bohan\\stat-data\\my_definitions.txt --by-file-by-lang
--force-lang-def=<file> Load language processing filters from <file>,
then use these filters instead of the built-in
filters. Note: languages which map to the same
file extension (for example:
Pascal/PHP; Lisp/OpenCL; Lisp/Julia; Perl/Prolog)
will be ignored as these require additional
processing that is not expressed in language
definition files. Use --read-lang-def to define
new language filters without replacing built-in
filters (see also --write-lang-def,
--by-file-by-lang Report results for every source file encountered
in addition to reporting by language.
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
encoding='utf-8', cwd=WORKING_DIR, errors='ignore')
cmd = ['stat-data\\cloc-1.92.exe', '--read-lang-def=' + _current_file + '\\stat-data\\my_definitions.txt',
'--by-file-by-lang', name]
100 files
200 files
300 files
312 text files.
classified 254 files
Duplicate file check 254 files (245 known unique)
Unique: 100 files
Unique: 200 files
251 unique files.
Counting: 100
Counting: 200
131 files ignored.
github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.92 T=0.24 s (1034.9 files/s, 69044.2 lines/s)
File blank comment code
community\sig\sigs.json 0 0 1068
community\zh\committer.md 0 0 442
community\sig\sig_list.toml 49 1 283
community\sig\README.md 46 0 190
community\sig\sig-linkboy\oh\oh8.md 7 0 4
community\sig\sig-linkboy\sig_linkboy.md 4 0 4
community\sig\sig-linkboy\oh\oh3.md 6 0 3
SUM: 3684 1 13061
Language files blank comment code
Markdown 248 3635 0 11685
JSON 2 0 0 1093
TOML 1 49 1 283
SUM: 251 3684 1 13061
对于上一章节cloc统计的每一个源代码文件,可以对这些文件执行git blame命令:
- 遍历cloc统计文件列表,执行git blame -e,获取贡献者及其贡献的代码量:
cmd = ['git', 'blame', '-e', _file_path]
git blame -e default.xml
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 1) version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 2) <manifest>
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 3) <remote fetch="."1 name="origin" review="https://openharmony.gitee.com/openharmony/"/>
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 4) <default remote="origin" revision="master" sync-j="4" />
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 5)
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 6) <include name="ohos/ohos.xml" />
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 7) <include name="chipsets/all.xml" />
7d700a41 (<z**************n@h****I.com> 2022-05-07 21:01:53 +0800 8) manifest>
D:\codes\code-count\manifest>git blame -e devboard.xml
019f8d3f (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-04-20 15:11:42 +0800 1) version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
019f8d3f (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-04-20 15:11:42 +0800 2) <manifest>
9e17c922 (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-11-27 06:33:25 +0000 3) <remote fetch="https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig" name="sig" review="https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/"/>
019f8d3f (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-04-20 15:11:42 +0800 4) <include name="default.xml" />
019f8d3f (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-04-20 15:11:42 +0800 5) <project name="device_st" path="device/st" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
c3deb066 (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-04-28 17:04:50 +0800 6) <project name="device_allwinner" path="device/allwinner" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
c3deb066 (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-04-28 17:04:50 +0800 7) <project name="vendor_h****I_ipcamera_v3s" path="vendor/h****I/ipcamera_v3s" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
019f8d3f (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-04-20 15:11:42 +0800 8) <project name="vendor_h****I_minidisplay_demo" path="vendor/h****I/minidisplay_demo" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 9) <project name="device_mediatek" path="device/mediatek" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 10) <project name="device_nordic" path="device/nordic" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 11) <project name="device_nxp" path="device/nxp" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 12) <project name="device_fudanmicro" path="device/fudanmicro" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 13) <project name="device_bestechnic" path="device/bestechnic" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 14) <project name="device_ingenic" path="device/ingenic" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 15) <project name="device_espressif" path="device/espressif" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 16) <project name="device_winnermicro" path="device/winnermicro" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 17) <project name="device_unisoc" path="device/unisoc" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 18) <project name="device_broadcom" path="device/broadcom" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 19) <project name="device_realtek" path="device/realtek" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 20) <project name="device_bouffalolab" path="device/bouffalolab" revision="master" remote="sig"/>
019f8d3f (<m***************1@h****I.com> 2021-04-20 15:11:42 +0800 21) manifest>
2bb5688e (<l*************g@h****I.com> 2021-06-07 10:45:13 +0800 22)
本文介绍了代码量统计的各种方式。统计每一笔提交的增删改修改量,偏重统计过程中的贡献,批量增删时,容易产生巨量的代码量。cloc可以看出代码仓的最新最终规模,过程中的批量增删,会对冲。而git blame统计会看重每一位贡献者的代码量。