5、swiper-bundle.min.css 和 swiper-bundle.min.js
主要是要做前三个问题,第一问“Building the database"本博客不涉及,第二问“MySQL Implementation”本博客也不涉及,主要放上第三问的代码并进行简单的说明。
1、 app.py
from flask import Flaskfrom blueprint import lpbpapp = Flask(__name__)app.register_blueprint(lpbp)if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
from .logicOperation import bp as lpbp
from flask import Blueprint,request,render_templatefrom exts import db,cursorbp=Blueprint("",__name__,url_prefix="/")@bp.route('/customer_on_probation')def CoP(): global results sql = "call CUSTOMER_ON_PROBATION" labels = ["LASTNAME", "FIRSTNAME", "EMAIL"] try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() results = cursor.fetchall() except: db.rollback() print(results) return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title ="Cop", form_title="Customers on Probation")@bp.route('/number_of_passengers',methods=['GET','POST'])def NoP(): global results if request.method=="POST": sql = "call NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS(" + str(request.form['input_num']) + ")" labels = ["Car ID", "Make", "Model", "Price Per Hour","Number of Passengers"] try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() results = cursor.fetchall() temp = [] for i in range(len(results)): temp.append(list(results[i])) temp[i][3] = "$" + temp[i][3] results = temp except: db.rollback() if(results): return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title="RT",form_title="Number of Passengers") return render_template('list.html',form_title="Number of Passengers")@bp.route('/popular_locations')def PL(): global results sql = "call POPULAR_LOCATIONS" labels = ["Location ID", "Street Address", "Telephone","Number of Rentals"] try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() results = cursor.fetchall() except: db.rollback() print(results) return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title="PL",form_title="Popular Locations")@bp.route('/rental_trends')def RT(): global results sql = "call RENTAL_TRENDS" labels = ["Make", "Model", "Student?","Number of Times Rented"] try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() results = cursor.fetchall() ans = [] for i in range(len(results)): ans.append(list(results[i])) if ans[i][2]==1: ans[i][2] = "YES" else: ans[i][2] = "NO" results = ans except: db.rollback() print(results) return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title="RT",form_title="Rental Trends")@bp.route('/update_price',methods=['GET','POST'])def UP(): if request.method == "POST": # print("1") # print("2") pph_update = 0.5 ppd_update = 5 sql1 = "update car set pph = pph + " + str(pph_update) sql2 = "update car set ppd = ppd + " + str(ppd_update) cursor.execute(sql1) db.commit() cursor.execute(sql2) db.commit() sql = "select * from car" labels = ["ID","MAKE","MODEL","PASSENGERS","DESCRIPTION","PPH","PPD"] cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() results = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title="UP",form_title="Current Car Information")@bp.route('/update_price_history')def UPH(): sql = "select * from price_log" cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() labels = ["Change ID","Car ID","Price per hour change","Price per day change","Update time"] results = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title="UP",form_title="Update Price")@bp.route('/')@bp.route('/index')def yewu(): return render_template("shouye.html")@bp.route('/add_price',methods=['GET','POST'])def addPrice2(): if request.method == "POST": # print("1") # print("2") pph_update = 0.5 ppd_update = 5 sql1 = "update car set pph = pph + " + str(pph_update) sql2 = "update car set ppd = ppd + " + str(ppd_update) # print(sql1) # print(sql2) cursor.execute(sql1) # print("3") db.commit() cursor.execute(sql2) db.commit() sql = "select * from car" labels = ["ID","MAKE","MODEL","PASSENGERS","DESCRIPTION","PPH","PPD"] cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() # "INSERT INTO `price_log`(`ID`, `CAR_ID`, `PPH_CHANGE`, `PPD_CHANGE`, `UPDATE_TIME`) VALUES ('1','','[value-3]','[value-4]','[value-5]')" results = cursor.fetchall() return render_template('list.html', labels=labels, content=results, title="add_price",form_title="Current Car Information")
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5、swiper-bundle.min.css 和 swiper-bundle.min.js
Car share reservation