pip install pandas
# Importing the pandas library and giving it an alias of pd.
import pandas as pd
# Reading the excel file and storing it in a variable called `result_`
result_ = pd.read_excel('D:/test/data.xlsx')
# Printing the dataframe.
pip install openpyxl
# 姓名 年龄 班级 成绩 表现
# 0 Python 集中营 10 1210 99 A
# 1 Python 集中营 11 1211 100 A
# 2 Python 集中营 12 1212 101 A
# 3 Python 集中营 13 1213 102 A
# 4 Python 集中营 14 1214 103 A
# 5 Python 集中营 15 1215 104 A
# 6 Python 集中营 16 1216 105 A
# 7 Python 集中营 17 1217 106 A
# 8 Python 集中营 18 1218 107 A
# 9 Python 集中营 19 1219 108 A
# 10 Python 集中营 20 1220 109 A
# 11 Python 集中营 21 1221 110 A
# 12 Python 集中营 22 1222 111 A
# 13 Python 集中营 23 1223 112 A
# 14 Python 集中营 24 1224 113 A
# 15 Python 集中营 25 1225 114 A
# 16 Python 集中营 26 1226 115 A
# 17 Python 集中营 27 1227 116 A
# 18 Python 集中营 28 1228 117 A
# Process finished with exit code 0
1. strip函数清除空格
# Extracting the column names from the dataframe and storing it in a variable called `columns_`.
columns_ = result_.columns.values
# Printing the column names of the dataframe.
# [' 姓名 ' '年龄' '班级' '成绩' '表现']
# A list comprehension that is iterating over the `columns_` list and stripping the whitespaces from each element of the
# list.
result_.columns = [column_name.strip() for column_name in columns_]
# Printing the column names of the dataframe.
# ['姓名' '年龄' '班级' '成绩' '表现']
2. duplicated函数清除重复数据
# The `duplicated()` function is returning a boolean series that is True if the row is a duplicate and False if the row is
# not a duplicate.
repeat_num = result_.duplicated().sum()
# Printing the number of duplicate rows in the dataframe.
# 1
# The `drop_duplicates()` function is dropping the duplicate rows from the dataframe and the `inplace=True` is
# modifying the dataframe in place.
# Printing the dataframe.
# 姓名 年龄 班级 成绩 表现
# 0 Python 集中营 10 1210 99 A
# 1 Python 集中营 11 1211 100 A
# 2 Python 集中营 12 1212 101 A
# 3 Python 集中营 13 1213 102 A
# 4 Python 集中营 14 1214 103 A
# 5 Python 集中营 15 1215 104 A
# 6 Python 集中营 16 1216 105 A
# 7 Python 集中营 17 1217 106 A
# 8 Python 集中营 18 1218 107 A
# 9 Python 集中营 19 1219 108 A
# 10 Python 集中营 20 1220 109 A
# 11 Python 集中营 21 1221 110 A
# 12 Python 集中营 22 1222 111 A
# 13 Python 集中营 23 1223 112 A
# 14 Python 集中营 24 1224 113 A
# 15 Python 集中营 25 1225 114 A
# 16 Python 集中营 26 1226 115 A
# 17 Python 集中营 27 1227 116 A
# The `range(result_.shape[0])` is creating a list of numbers from 0 to the number of rows in the dataframe.
result_.index = range(result_.shape[0])
# The `print(result_.index)` is printing the index of the dataframe.
# RangeIndex(start=0, stop=18, step=1)
3. 数据缺失值补全
# The `isnull()` function is returning a boolean series that is True if the value is missing and False if the value
# is not missing.
sul_ = result_.isnull()
# The `print(sul_)` is printing the boolean series that is True if the value is missing and False if the value is not
# missing.
# 姓名 年龄 班级 成绩 表现
# 0 False False False False False
# 1 False False False False False
# 2 False False False False False
# 3 False False False False False
# 4 False False False False False
# 5 False False False False False
# 6 False False False False False
# 7 False False False False False
# 8 False False False False False
# 9 False False False False False
# 10 False False False False False
# 11 False False False False False
# 12 False False False False False
# 13 False False False False False
# 14 False False False False False
# 15 False False False False False
# 16 False False False False False
# 17 False False False False False
# The `isnull_sum = result_.isnull().sum()` is returning a series that is the sum of the boolean series that is True if
# the value is missing and False if the value is not missing.
isnull_sum = result_.isnull().sum()
# The `isnull_sum = result_.isnull().sum()` is returning a series that is the sum of the boolean series that is True if
# the value is missing and False if the value is not missing.
# 姓名 0
# 年龄 0
# 班级 0
# 成绩 0
# 表现 0
# dtype: int64
# The `result_.loc[result_.姓名.isnull(), '姓名']` is returning a series that is the values of the column `姓名`
# where the values are missing. The `'Python 集中营'` is the value that is being assigned to the series.
result_.loc[result_.姓名.isnull(), '姓名'] = 'Python 集中营'
# Printing the dataframe.
# 姓名 年龄 班级 成绩 表现
# 0 Python 集中营 10 1210 99 A
# 1 Python 集中营 11 1211 100 A
# 2 Python 集中营 12 1212 101 A
# 3 Python 集中营 13 1213 102 A
# 4 Python 集中营 14 1214 103 A
# 5 Python 集中营 15 1215 104 A
# 6 Python 集中营 16 1216 105 A
# 7 Python 集中营 17 1217 106 A
# 8 Python 集中营 18 1218 107 A
# 9 Python 集中营 19 1219 108 A
# 10 Python 集中营 20 1220 109 A
# 11 Python 集中营 21 1221 110 A
# 12 Python 集中营 22 1222 111 A
# 13 Python 集中营 23 1223 112 A
# 14 Python 集中营 24 1224 113 A
# 15 Python 集中营 25 1225 114 A
# 16 Python 集中营 26 1226 115 A
# 17 Python 集中营 27 1227 116 A
4. 数据保存