(3)输出五个爱心,由Dear I love you forever! 五个单词填充而成
python 绘制爱心图片索引:
8、最先复现李峋爱心代码的作者 | 9、跳动爱心 | 10、爱心 |
粒子组成爱心,中间加字 | 粒子组成爱心 | 粒子组成爱心 |
1、(弧线型)(显示文字) | (直线型)(显示文字) | (弧线型)(输入显示文字) |
4、爱心树 |
python字符画爱心 | ||
(1)一行代码画爱心 | (2)用字符输出 I 爱 U (2种形式) | (2)用字符输出 I 爱 U (2种形式) |
(3)输出五个爱心(Dear I love you forever! )五个单词填充而成 | (4)爱心 | (5)爱心 |
因数量增加,页面篇幅太长,python 绘制的爱心将更新至此新页面,想查看python爱心绘图的请点击以下链接:
(1)爱心图形1(弧线型)(显示的文字写在代码里) |
转载地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_55342245/article/details/120904578 |
import turtleimport timedef LittleHeart(): for i in range(200): turtle.right(1) turtle.forward(2)# love = input('请输入表白语句,然后回车,默认为"I Love You":\n')# me = input('请输入要表白的人:\n')# if love=='':# # 如果未输入表白语句,则使用默认语句# love='I Love you'love='I Love you'me = '卧槽,这年轻人。'turtle.setup(width=900,height=600) # 爱心的画布的大小turtle.color('red','red') # 爱心的颜色及外边笔的颜色turtle.pensize(5) # 画笔的粗细turtle.speed(1000000) # 绘制速度turtle.up() # 画笔向上turtle.hideturtle()turtle.goto(0,-180)turtle.showturtle()turtle.down()turtle.speed(5)turtle.begin_fill()# 开始填充turtle.left(140)turtle.forward(224)LittleHeart()turtle.left(120)LittleHeart()turtle.forward(224)turtle.end_fill()turtle.pensize(5)turtle.up()turtle.hideturtle()turtle.goto(0,0)turtle.showturtle()turtle.color('#CD5C5C','pink')turtle.write(love,font=('gungsuh',30,),align="center")turtle.up()turtle.hideturtle()if me !='': turtle.color('black', 'pink') time.sleep(2) turtle.goto(180,-180) turtle.showturtle() turtle.write(me, font=(20,), align="center", move=True) window=turtle.Screen() window.exitonclick()
(2)爱心图形2(直线型)(显示的文字写在代码里) |
转载地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_55342245/article/details/120904578 |
import turtleimport mathturtle.pen()t=turtlet.up()t.goto(0,150)t.down()t.color('red')t.begin_fill()t.fillcolor('red')t.speed(1)t.left(45)t.forward(150)t.right(45)t.forward(100)t.right(45)t.forward(100)t.right(45)t.forward(100)t.right(45)t.forward(250+math.sqrt(2)*100)t.right (90)t.speed(2)t.forward(250+100*math.sqrt(2))t.right(45)t.forward(100)t.right(45)t.forward(100)t.right(45)t.forward(100)t.right(45)t.forward(150)t.end_fill()t.goto(-10,0)t.pencolor('white')# Lt.pensize(10)t.goto(-50,0)t.goto(-50,80)t.up ()# It.goto(-100,0)t.down()t.goto(-160,0)t.goto(-130,0)t.goto(-130,80)t.goto(-160,80)t.goto(-100,80)t.up()# Ot.goto(10,25)t.down()t.right(45)t.circle(25,extent=180)t.goto(60,55)t.circle(25,extent=180)t.goto(10,25)t.up()t.goto(75,80)t.down()t.goto(100,0)t.goto(125,80)t.up()t.goto(180,80)t.down()t.goto(140,80)t.goto(140,0)t.goto(180,0)t.up()t.goto(180,40)t.down()t.goto(140,40)# Ut.up()t.goto(-40,-30)t.down()t.goto(-40,-80)t.circle(40,extent=180)t.goto(40,-30)t.hideturtle()window=turtle.Screen()window.exitonclick()
(3)爱心图形3(弧线型)(通过输入方式显示文字) |
请输入表白语句,然后回车,(例如"I Love You"): 请输入要表白的人(例如"李思思"): |
转载地址:https://changxin.blog.csdn.net/article/details/109842795 |
# coding: utf-8 import turtleimport timedef LittleHeart(): for i in range(200): turtle.right(1) turtle.forward(2)love=input('请输入表白语句,然后回车,(例如"I Love You"):\n')me=input('请输入要表白的人(例如"李思思"):\n')if love=='': love='I Love you'turtle.setup(width=900,height=600)turtle.color('red','pink')turtle.pensize(15)turtle.speed(1000)turtle.up()turtle.hideturtle()turtle.goto(0,-180)turtle.showturtle()turtle.down()turtle.speed(500)turtle.begin_fill()turtle.left(140)turtle.forward(224)LittleHeart()turtle.left(120)LittleHeart()turtle.forward(224)turtle.end_fill()turtle.pensize(12)turtle.up()turtle.hideturtle()turtle.goto(0,-20)turtle.showturtle()turtle.color('#CD5C5C','pink')turtle.write(love,font=('gungsuh',50,),align="center")turtle.up()turtle.hideturtle()if me !='': turtle.color('black', 'pink') time.sleep(1)turtle.goto(180,-180)turtle.showturtle()turtle.write(me, font=(20,25), align="center", move=True)window=turtle.Screen()window.exitonclick()
(4)用python绘制爱心树 |
转载地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_55342245/article/details/120904578 |
import turtleimport randomdef love(x, y): # 在(x,y)处画爱心lalala lv = turtle.Turtle() lv.hideturtle() lv.up() lv.goto(x, y) # 定位到(x,y) def curvemove(): # 画圆弧 for i in range(20): lv.right(10) lv.forward(2) lv.color('red', 'pink') lv.speed(10000000) lv.pensize(1) # 开始画爱心lalala lv.down() lv.begin_fill() lv.left(140) lv.forward(22) curvemove() lv.left(120) curvemove() lv.forward(22) lv.write("YZ", font=("Arial", 12, "normal"), align="center") # 写上表白的人的名字 lv.left(140) # 画完复位 lv.end_fill()def tree(branchLen, t): if branchLen > 5: # 剩余树枝太少要结束递归 if branchLen < 20: # 如果树枝剩余长度较短则变绿 t.color("green") t.pensize(random.uniform((branchLen + 5) / 4 - 2, (branchLen + 6) / 4 + 5)) t.down() t.forward(branchLen) love(t.xcor(), t.ycor()) # 传输现在turtle的坐标 t.up() t.backward(branchLen) t.color("brown") return t.pensize(random.uniform((branchLen + 5) / 4 - 2, (branchLen + 6) / 4 + 5)) t.down() t.forward(branchLen) # 以下递归 ang = random.uniform(15, 45) t.right(ang) tree(branchLen - random.uniform(12, 16), t) # 随机决定减小长度 t.left(2 * ang) tree(branchLen - random.uniform(12, 16), t) # 随机决定减小长度 t.right(ang) t.up() t.backward(branchLen)myWin = turtle.Screen()t = turtle.Turtle()t.hideturtle()t.speed(1000)t.left(90)t.up()t.backward(200)t.down()t.color("brown")t.pensize(32)t.forward(60)tree(100, t)myWin.exitonclick()
(5)用matplotlib绘制一颗2D的红心 |
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 1000) y1 = np.power(np.cos(x),0.5) * np.cos(200*x) + np.power(np.absolute(x),0.5) - 0.7 y2 = np.power(4-np.power(x, 2), 0.01) plt.plot(x, y1*y2, c='r') plt.show() |
原:https://blog.csdn.net/xufive/article/details/126141038 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import math x = np.linspace(-2,2,500) y=lambda x:np.power((x**2),(1/3))+0.99*np.sqrt(3.3-np.power(x,2))*np.sin(9.9*math.pi*x) plt.plot(x,y(x)) plt.axis([-3,3,-2,3]) plt.show() |
原 :https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/271674164 |
(6)三维爱心 |
转载地址:https://blog.csdn.net/yunyun889901/article/details/117785181 |
#!/usr/bin/env python3from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfrom matplotlib import cmfrom matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatterimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as np def heart_3d(x,y,z): return (x**2+(9/4)*y**2+z**2-1)**3-x**2*z**3-(9/80)*y**2*z**3 def plot_implicit(fn, bbox=(-1.5, 1.5)): ''' create a plot of an implicit function fn ...implicit function (plot where fn==0) bbox ..the x,y,and z limits of plotted interval''' xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = bbox*3 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') A = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100) # resolution of the contour B = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 40) # number of slices A1, A2 = np.meshgrid(A, A) # grid on which the contour is plotted for z in B: # plot contours in the XY plane X, Y = A1, A2 Z = fn(X, Y, z) cset = ax.contour(X, Y, Z+z, [z], zdir='z', colors=('r',)) # [z] defines the only level to plot # for this contour for this value of z for y in B: # plot contours in the XZ plane X, Z = A1, A2 Y = fn(X, y, Z) cset = ax.contour(X, Y+y, Z, [y], zdir='y', colors=('red',)) for x in B: # plot contours in the YZ plane Y, Z = A1, A2 X = fn(x, Y, Z) cset = ax.contour(X+x, Y, Z, [x], zdir='x',colors=('red',)) # must set plot limits because the contour will likely extend # way beyond the displayed level. Otherwise matplotlib extends the plot limits # to encompass all values in the contour. ax.set_zlim3d(zmin, zmax) ax.set_xlim3d(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim3d(ymin, ymax) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': plot_implicit(heart_3d)#!/usr/bin/env python3from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3Dfrom matplotlib import cmfrom matplotlib.ticker import LinearLocator, FormatStrFormatterimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npdef heart_3d(x,y,z): return (x**2+(9/4)*y**2+z**2-1)**3-x**2*z**3-(9/80)*y**2*z**3def plot_implicit(fn, bbox=(-1.5, 1.5)): ''' create a plot of an implicit function fn ...implicit function (plot where fn==0) bbox ..the x,y,and z limits of plotted interval''' xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = bbox*3 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') A = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 100) # resolution of the contour B = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 40) # number of slices A1, A2 = np.meshgrid(A, A) # grid on which the contour is plotted for z in B: # plot contours in the XY plane X, Y = A1, A2 Z = fn(X, Y, z) cset = ax.contour(X, Y, Z+z, [z], zdir='z', colors=('r',)) # [z] defines the only level to plot # for this contour for this value of z for y in B: # plot contours in the XZ plane X, Z = A1, A2 Y = fn(X, y, Z) cset = ax.contour(X, Y+y, Z, [y], zdir='y', colors=('red',)) for x in B: # plot contours in the YZ plane Y, Z = A1, A2 X = fn(x, Y, Z) cset = ax.contour(X+x, Y, Z, [x], zdir='x',colors=('red',)) # must set plot limits because the contour will likely extend # way beyond the displayed level. Otherwise matplotlib extends the plot limits # to encompass all values in the contour. ax.set_zlim3d(zmin, zmax) ax.set_xlim3d(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim3d(ymin, ymax) plt.show()if __name__ == '__main__': plot_implicit(heart_3d)
(7)Matlab 3D心形代码 |
原:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_48117689/article/details/124082260 |
clear; clc; close all; f = @(x, y, z)(x.^2 + 2.25*y.^2 + z.^2 - 1).^3 - ... x.^2.* z.^3 - 0.1125*y.^2.*z.^3; g = @(x, y, z)(sqrt(x.^2+y.^2)-2.5).^2 + z.^2 - 0.4^2; t = linspace(-5, 5); [x1, y1, z1] = meshgrid(t); [x2, y2, z2] = meshgrid(t); val1 = f(x1, y1, z1); val2 = g(x2, y2, z2); [p1, v1] = isosurface(x1, y1, z1, val1, 0); [p2, v2] = isosurface(x2, y2, z2, val2, 0); figure() subplot(1, 1, 1) h = patch('faces',p1,'vertices',v1,'facevertexcdata',jet(size(v1,1)),... 'facecolor','w','edgecolor','flat'); hold on; patch('faces',p2,'vertices',v2,'facevertexcdata',jet(size(v2,1)),... 'facecolor','w','edgecolor','flat'); grid on; axis equal; axis([-3,3,-3,3,-1.5,1.5]); view(3) title() warning('off'); T = suptitle("$I\ Love\ U\ !$"); set(T,'Interpreter','latex','FontSize',24) pic_num = 1; for i = 1:20 v1 = 0.98 * v1; set(h, 'vertices', v1); drawnow; F = getframe(gcf); I = frame2im(F); [I,map]=rgb2ind(I,256); if pic_num == 1 imwrite(I,map,'BeatingHeart.gif','gif','Loopcount',inf,'DelayTime',0.05); else imwrite(I,map,'BeatingHeart.gif','gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.05); end pic_num = pic_num + 1; end for i = 1:20 v1 = v1 / 0.98; set(h, 'vertices', v1); drawnow; F = getframe(gcf); I = frame2im(F); [I,map] = rgb2ind(I,256); imwrite(I,map,'BeatingHeart.gif','gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime',0.05); pic_num = pic_num + 1; end
(8)双心(java) |
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/511112228 |
import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import static java.lang.Math.*;public class DemoTest extends JFrame { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1284128891908775645L; // 定义加载窗口大小 public static final int GAME_WIDTH = 500; public static final int GAME_HEIGHT = 500; // 获取屏幕窗口大小 public static final int WIDTH = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width; public static final int HEIGHT = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height; public DemoTest() { // 设置窗口标题 this.setTitle("心形曲线"); // 设置窗口初始位置 this.setLocation((WIDTH - GAME_WIDTH) / 2, (HEIGHT - GAME_HEIGHT) / 2); // 设置窗口大小 this.setSize(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT); // 设置背景色 this.setBackground(Color.BLACK); // 设置窗口关闭方式 this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // 设置窗口显示 this.setVisible(true); } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { double x, y, r; Image OffScreen = createImage(GAME_WIDTH, GAME_HEIGHT); Graphics drawOffScreen = OffScreen.getGraphics(); for (int i = 0; i < 90; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 90; j++) { r = Math.PI / 45 * i * (1 - Math.sin(Math.PI / 45 * j)) * 18; x = r * Math.cos(Math.PI / 45 * j) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 45 * i) + GAME_WIDTH / 2; y = -r * Math.sin(Math.PI / 45 * j) + GAME_HEIGHT / 4; //设置画笔颜色 drawOffScreen.setColor(Color.PINK); // 绘制椭圆 drawOffScreen.fillOval((int) x, (int) y, 2, 2); } // 生成图片 g.drawImage(OffScreen, 0, 0, this); } } public static void main(String[] args) { DemoTest demo = new DemoTest(); demo.setVisible(true); }}
#include #include #include #include float f(float x, float y, float z) {float a = x * x + 9.0f / 4.0f * y * y + z * z - 1;return a * a * a - x * x * z * z * z - 9.0f / 80.0f * y * y * z * z * z;} float h(float x, float z) {for (float y = 1.0f; y >= 0.0f; y -= 0.001f)if (f(x, y, z) <= 0.0f)return y; return 0.0f;} int main() {SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 0xc);//SetConsoleTextAttribute()是Windows系统中一个可以设置控制台窗口字体颜色和背景色的计算机函数HANDLE o = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);// GetStdHandle()检索指定标准设备的句柄(标准输入、标准输出或标准错误)_TCHAR buffer[25][80] = { _T(' ') };_TCHAR ramp[] = _T("vvvvvvvv");int count = 0;int count1 = 0; for (float t = 0.0f;; t += 0.1f) {int sy = 0;float s = sinf(t);float a = s * s * s * s * 0.2f; for (float z = 1.3f; z > -1.2f; z -= 0.1f) {_TCHAR *p = &buffer[sy++][0];float tz = z * (1.2f - a); for (float x = -1.5f; x < 1.5f; x += 0.05f) {float tx = x * (1.2f + a);float v = f(tx, 0.0f, tz); if (v <= 0.0f) {float y0 = h(tx, tz);float ny = 0.01f;float nx = h(tx + ny, tz) - y0;float nz = h(tx, tz + ny) - y0;float nd = 1.0f / sqrtf(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);float d = (nx + ny - nz) * nd * 0.5f + 0.5f;*p++ = ramp[(int)(d * 5.0f)];} else*p++ = ' ';}} for (sy = 0; sy < 25; sy++) {COORD coord = { 0, sy };SetConsoleCursorPosition(o, coord);//作用是设置控制台(cmd)光标位置WriteConsole(o, buffer[sy], 79, NULL, 0);//从当前光标位置开始,将字符串写入控制台屏幕缓冲区} if (count <= 22) {printf("I Love You") ;//表白内容printf(" To CSDN");// 被表白者的名字count++;} else {printf("You Are My Best Lover.\n");count++; if (count >= 44) {count = 0;}} Sleep(36);//Sleep函数:执行挂起一段时间,也就是等待一段时间在继续执行}}
(10)、Python《点燃我温暖你》李峋爱心代码 |
转载地址:【双十一特辑】爱心代码(程序员的浪漫)-李峋_天寒雨落的博客-CSDN博客 |
import randomfrom math import sin, cos, pi, logfrom tkinter import *CANVAS_WIDTH = 640 # 画布的宽CANVAS_HEIGHT = 480 # 画布的高CANVAS_CENTER_X = CANVAS_WIDTH / 2 # 画布中心的X轴坐标CANVAS_CENTER_Y = CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2 # 画布中心的Y轴坐标IMAGE_ENLARGE = 11 # 放大比例HEART_COLOR = "pink" # 心的颜色def heart_function(t, shrink_ratio: float = IMAGE_ENLARGE): """ “爱心函数生成器” :param shrink_ratio: 放大比例 :param t: 参数 :return: 坐标 """ # 基础函数 x = 16 * (sin(t) ** 3) y = -(13 * cos(t) - 5 * cos(2 * t) - 2 * cos(3 * t) - cos(4 * t)) # 放大 x *= shrink_ratio y *= shrink_ratio # 移到画布中央 x += CANVAS_CENTER_X y += CANVAS_CENTER_Y return int(x), int(y)def scatter_inside(x, y, beta=0.15): """ 随机内部扩散 :param x: 原x :param y: 原y :param beta: 强度 :return: 新坐标 """ ratio_x = - beta * log(random.random()) ratio_y = - beta * log(random.random()) dx = ratio_x * (x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) dy = ratio_y * (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) return x - dx, y - dydef shrink(x, y, ratio): """ 抖动 :param x: 原x :param y: 原y :param ratio: 比例 :return: 新坐标 """ force = -1 / (((x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) ** 2 + (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) ** 2) ** 0.6) # 这个参数... dx = ratio * force * (x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) dy = ratio * force * (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) return x - dx, y - dydef curve(p): """ 自定义曲线函数,调整跳动周期 :param p: 参数 :return: 正弦 """ return 4 * (2 * sin(4 * p)) / (2 * pi)class Heart: """ 爱心类 """ def __init__(self, generate_frame=20): self._points = set() # 原始爱心坐标集合 self._edge_diffusion_points = set() # 边缘扩散效果点坐标集合 self._center_diffusion_points = set() # 中心扩散效果点坐标集合 self.all_points = {} # 每帧动态点坐标 self.build(2000) self.random_halo = 1000 self.generate_frame = generate_frame for frame in range(generate_frame): self.calc(frame) def build(self, number): # 爱心 for _ in range(number): t = random.uniform(0, 2 * pi) # 随机不到的地方造成爱心有缺口 x, y = heart_function(t) self._points.add((x, y)) # 爱心内扩散 for _x, _y in list(self._points): for _ in range(3): x, y = scatter_inside(_x, _y, 0.05) self._edge_diffusion_points.add((x, y)) # 爱心内再次扩散 point_list = list(self._points) for _ in range(4000): x, y = random.choice(point_list) x, y = scatter_inside(x, y, 0.17) self._center_diffusion_points.add((x, y)) @staticmethod def calc_position(x, y, ratio): # 调整缩放比例 force = 1 / (((x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) ** 2 + (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) ** 2) ** 0.520) dx = ratio * force * (x - CANVAS_CENTER_X) + random.randint(-1, 1) dy = ratio * force * (y - CANVAS_CENTER_Y) + random.randint(-1, 1) return x - dx, y - dy def calc(self, generate_frame): ratio = 10 * curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi) # 圆滑的周期的缩放比例 halo_radius = int(4 + 6 * (1 + curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi))) halo_number = int(3000 + 4000 * abs(curve(generate_frame / 10 * pi) ** 2)) all_points = [] # 光环 heart_halo_point = set() # 光环的点坐标集合 for _ in range(halo_number): t = random.uniform(0, 2 * pi) # 随机不到的地方造成爱心有缺口 x, y = heart_function(t, shrink_ratio=11) x, y = shrink(x, y, halo_radius) if (x, y) not in heart_halo_point: # 处理新的点 heart_halo_point.add((x, y)) x += random.randint(-11, 11) y += random.randint(-11, 11) size = random.choice((1, 2, 2))#控制外围粒子的大小 all_points.append((x, y, size)) # 轮廓 for x, y in self._points: x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio) size = random.randint(1, 3) all_points.append((x, y, size)) # 内容 for x, y in self._center_diffusion_points: x, y = self.calc_position(x, y, ratio) size = random.randint(1, 2) all_points.append((x, y, size)) self.all_points[generate_frame] = all_points def render(self, render_canvas, render_frame): for x, y, size in self.all_points[render_frame % self.generate_frame]: render_canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + size, y + size, width=0, fill=HEART_COLOR)def draw(main: Tk, render_canvas: Canvas, render_heart: Heart, render_frame=0): render_canvas.delete('all') render_heart.render(render_canvas, render_frame) main.after(160, draw, main, render_canvas, render_heart, render_frame + 1)if __name__ == '__main__': root = Tk() # 一个Tk canvas = Canvas(root, bg='black', height=CANVAS_HEIGHT, width=CANVAS_WIDTH) canvas.pack() heart = Heart() # 心 draw(root, canvas, heart) # 开始画画~ root.mainloop()
(1)一行代码画爱心 |
print('\n'.join([''.join([('Love'[(x-y)%len('Love')] if ((x*0.05)**2+(y*0.1)**2-1)**3-(x*0.05)**2*(y*0.1)**3<=0 else' ') for x in range(-30,30)]) for y in range(15,-15,-1)])) |
a = [ print('\n'.join(a)) |
(2)用字符输出 I 爱 U (2种形式) |
import timey = 2.5while y>=-1.6: x = -3.0 while x<=4.0: if (x*x+y*y-1)**3<=3.6*x*x*y*y*y or (x>-2.4 and x<-2.1 and y<1.5 and y>-1) or (((x<2.5 and x>2.2)or(x>3.4 and x<3.7)) and y>-1 and y<1.5) or (y>-1 and y<-0.6 and x<3.7 and x>2.2): print(' ',end="") else: print('*',end="") x += 0.1 print() time.sleep(0.25) y -= 0.2
参考:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_55342245/article/details/120904578 |
import timey = 2.5while y>=-1.6: x = -3.0 while x<=4.0: if (x*x+y*y-1)**3<=3.6*x*x*y*y*y or (x>-2.4 and x<-2.1 and y<1.5 and y>-1) or (((x<2.5 and x>2.2)or(x>3.4 and x<3.7)) and y>-1 and y<1.5) or (y>-1 and y<-0.6 and x<3.7 and x>2.2): print('*',end="") else: print(' ',end="") x += 0.1 print() time.sleep(0.25) y -= 0.2
(3)输出五个爱心,由Dear I love you forever! 五个单词填充而成 |
转载地址:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_55342245/article/details/120904578 |
import timesentence = "Dear, I love you forever!"for char in sentence.split(): allChar = [] for y in range(12, -12, -1): lst = [] lst_con = '' for x in range(-30, 30): formula = ((x*0.05)**2+(y*0.1)**2-1)**3-(x*0.05)**2*(y*0.1)**3 if formula <= 0: lst_con += char[(x) % len(char)] else: lst_con += ' ' lst.append(lst_con) allChar += lst print('\n'.join(allChar)) time.sleep(1)
(4).java 实现 ❤ |
public static void heart1(){ float x,y,a; for(y=1.3f;y>-1.1f;y-=0.06f){ //这里的参数皆可以调,条件就是看着顺眼 for(x=-1.2f;x<=1.2f;x+=0.025f){ a=x*x+y*y-1; System.out.print(a*a*a-x*x*y*y*y<=0.0f?' ':'$'); } System.out.println(); } } |
再来一个心中有无数爱的: |
public static void heart2(){ double x,y,a; char s[]=new char[]{'I',' ','l','o','v','e',' ','y','o','u','!'}; int index=0; for(y=1.3f;y>-1.1f;y-=0.06f){ index=0; for(x=-1.1f;x<=1.1f;x+=0.025f){ double result=x*x+pow((5.0*y/4.0-sqrt(abs(x))),2); if(result<=1){ System.out.print((s[index])); index=(index+1)%11; } else{ System.out.print(' '); } } System.out.println(" "); } } |
原:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/511112228 |
(1)立体多层玫瑰 | (2)红玫瑰 | (3)红玫瑰 |
(4)红玫瑰 | (5)红玫瑰 | (6)红玫瑰 |
篇幅太长,请点击查看: 立体多层玫瑰绘图源码__玫瑰花python 绘图源码集锦
(2)前端canvas玫瑰花 |
(1)前端 CSS "I Love You "爱心效果 |
(2)各国语言“爱”字组成爱心效果 |
(3)上升爱心效果 |
(4)变幻爱心 |
(5)红心下落动画 |
原:74行代码实现浪漫的红心下落的动画效果_汪子熙的博客-CSDN博客 |
(6)《点燃我温暖你》中李峋的爱心代码 |
转载地址:HTML爱心代码 | 一起体验理工男的极致浪漫(电视剧男主同款)_陈橘又青的博客-CSDN博客 |
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