在对多表进行更新时,不支持ORDER BY、LIMIT。
mysql> update Subscribers2 s,tmp_Subscribers_01 t set s.date='2015-01-01',
-> s.LastAccessTimeStamp=unix_timestamp(date '2015-01-01')
-> where s.MSISDN=t.MSISDN and t.id between 1 and 5000 limit 2000;
ERROR 1221 (HY000): Incorrect usage of UPDATE and LIMIT
mysql> update Subscribers2 s,tmp_Subscribers_01 t set s.date='2015-01-01',
-> s.LastAccessTimeStamp=unix_timestamp(date '2015-01-01')
-> where s.MSISDN=t.MSISDN and t.id between 1 and 5000 order by s.date;
ERROR 1221 (HY000): Incorrect usage of UPDATE and ORDER BY