query(String table, String[] columns, String selection, String [] selectionArgs, String groupBy, String having, String orderBy, String limit)
- table :表名。相当于select *** from table语句中的table 。如果是多表联合查询,可以用逗号将两个表名分开。
- columns :要查询出来的列名(字段),全部查询就写null。相当于 select *** from table语句中的 ***部分 。如果是查询多个参数,可以用逗号将两个表名分开。例:new String[]{“name”,“age”,“sex”}
- selection:查询条件子句,相当于select *** from table where && 语句中的&&部分,在条件子句允许使用占位符“?”表示条件值 ,例:“name=?,age=?,sex=?”
- selectionArgs :查询条件对应的内容。对应于 selection参数 占位符的值,值在数组中的位置与占位符在语句中的位置必须一致,否则就会有异常。 例:与 new String[]{“lisa”,“1”,“女”}
- groupBy :分组。相当于 select *** from table where && group by … 语句中 … 的部分 ,作用是:将同一列的相同名字的参数合并在一起 例;在name列有两个Jame(name:Jame --salay:100,name:Jame --salay:200),使用…group by name查询后 只显示一个Jame的集合(name:Jame–salay:300)
- having :相当于 select *** from table where && group by …having %%% 语句中 %%% 的部分, 作用于groupBy的条件,例:havig name>2意思是name列相同参数>2
- orderBy :相当于 select ***from ?? where&& group by …having %%% order by@@语句中的@@ 部分,如: personid desc(按person 降序), age asc(按age升序);
- limit:指定偏移量和获取的记录数,查询显示的条数(分页,可以不写,默认全部显示)。相当于select语句limit关键字后面的部分。
public List<PersonModel> queryAllPersonData(){ //查询全部数据 Cursor cursor = getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME_PERSON,null,null,null,null,null,null,null); List<PersonModel> list = new ArrayList<>(); if(cursor.getCount() > 0) { //移动到首位 cursor.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < cursor.getCount(); i++) { int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(VALUE_ID)); String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(VALUE_NAME)); int isBoy = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(VALUE_ISBOY)); int age = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(VALUE_AGE)); String address = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(VALUE_ADDRESS)); byte pic[] = cursor.getBlob(cursor.getColumnIndex(VALUE_PIC)); PersonModel model = new PersonModel(); model.setId(id); model.setName(name); model.setIsBoy(isBoy); model.setAge(age); model.setAddress(address); model.setPic(pic); list.add(model); //移动到下一位 cursor.moveToNext(); } } cursor.close(); getWritableDatabase().close(); return list; }
public void queryPersonData() { //查询全部数据 getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME_PERSON,null,null,null,null,null,null); //查询 _id = 1 的数据 getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME_PERSON,null,VALUE_ID+"=?",new String[]{"1"},null,null,null); //查询 name = 张三 并且 age > 23 的数据 getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME_PERSON,null,VALUE_NAME+"=?"+" and "+VALUE_AGE+">?",new String[]{"张三","23"},null,null,null); //查询 name = 张三 并且 age > 23 的数据 并按照id 降序排列 getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME_PERSON,null,VALUE_NAME+"=?"+" and "+VALUE_AGE+">?",new String[]{"张三","23"},null,null,VALUE_ID+" desc"); //查询数据按_id降序排列 并且只取前4条。 getWritableDatabase().query(TABLE_NAME_PERSON,null,null,null,null,null,VALUE_ID+" desc","0,4"); }
public Cursor rawQuery(String sql, String[] selectionArgs)
SQLiteDatabase db= ....;Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from person",null);...cursor.close();db.close();
- rawQuery()方法的第一个参数为select语句;
- 第二个参数为select语句中占位符参数的值,如果select语句没有使用占位符,该参数可以设置为null
Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select * from person where name like ? and age=?", new String[]{"张三", "4"});
public Cursor rawQueryPersonData() { Cursor cursor = null; String rawQuerySql = null; //查询全部数据 select * from person rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON; //查询_id = 1 的数据 select * from person where _id = 1 rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" where "+VALUE_ID +" = 1"; //查询 name = 张三 并且 age > 23 的数据 通配符? select * from person where name = ? and age > ? rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" where "+VALUE_NAME +" = ?"+" and "+ VALUE_AGE +" > ?";// cursor = getWritableDatabase().rawQuery(rawQuerySql,new String[]{"张三","23"}); //查询 name = 张三 并且 age >= 23 的数据 select * from person where name = '张三' and age >= '23' rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" where "+VALUE_NAME +" = '张三'"+" and "+ VALUE_AGE +" >= '23'"; //查询 name = 张三 并且 age >= 23 的数据 并按照id 降序排列 select * from person where name = '张三' and age >= '23' order by _id desc rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" where "+VALUE_NAME +" = '张三'"+" and "+ VALUE_AGE +" >= '23'"+" order by "+VALUE_ID +" desc"; //查询数据按_id降序排列 并且只取前4条。(测试下标是从0开始) select * from person order by _id desc limit 0, 4 rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" order by "+VALUE_ID +" desc"+" limit 0, 4"; //查询年龄在20岁以上或者是女生 的数据 select age,isboy from person where age > 20 or isboy != 1 rawQuerySql = "select "+VALUE_AGE+","+VALUE_ISBOY +" from " +TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" where "+VALUE_AGE+" > 20"+" or "+VALUE_ISBOY +" != 1"; //查询年龄小于等于20 或者 大于等于 80的数据 并且按年龄升序排列 select * from person where age <= 20 or age >=80 order by age asc rawQuerySql = "select * from "+TABLE_NAME_PERSON+" where "+VALUE_AGE+" <= 20"+" or "+VALUE_AGE+" >=80"+" order by "+VALUE_AGE+" asc"; cursor = getWritableDatabase().rawQuery(rawQuerySql,null); Log.e(TAG, rawQuerySql ); return cursor; }
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