userName varchar2(50) :="snsrm";
tablespaceName varchar2(50) :="APPS_TS_TX_IDX";
rowN number :=3;
tableLastName varchar2(10) :=upper("_temp");
tableLastName1 varchar2(10) :=upper("_te");
cursor vdata is select t.table_name from user_tables t where t.TABLE_NAME like upper("SRM_POS%")
and t.TABLE_NAME not like "%"||tableLastName
and t.TABLE_NAME not like "%"||tableLastName1
order by t.TABLE_NAME;
v vdata%rowtype;
n number;
indexName varchar2(30);
temp varchar2(27);
k number;
open vdata;
fetch vdata into v;
exit when vdata%NOTFOUND;
select count(*) into n from user_ind_columns t where t.TABLE_NAME=upper(v.table_name);
if n27 then
temp := substr(v.table_name,0,27);
temp := v.table_name;
end if;
indexName := temp||"_N"||k;
for cur in (select t.column_name,t.comments,t.TABLE_NAME from all_col_comments t where t.table_name = upper(v.table_name) ---表名
and instr(lower(t.column_name), "attribute") = 0
and instr(lower(t.COLUMN_NAME),"last_update") = 0
and instr(lower(t.COLUMN_NAME),"version_num") = 0
and instr(lower(t.COLUMN_NAME),"created_by") = 0
and instr(lower(t.COLUMN_NAME),"creation_date") = 0
and rownum<=rowN) loop
select count(*) into n from user_ind_columns t where t.TABLE_NAME=upper(v.table_name) and t.COLUMN_NAME=upper(cur.column_name);
if n<1 then
select count(*) into n from user_ind_columns t where t.INDEX_NAME=indexName;
while n>0 loop
k := k+1;
indexName := temp||"_N"||k;
select count(*) into n from user_ind_columns t where t.INDEX_NAME=indexName;
end loop;
dbms_output.put_line("Create Index "||userName||"."||indexName||" ON "||userName||"."||cur.table_name||"("||cur.column_name||")"||" tablespace "||tablespaceName||";");
k := k+1;
indexName := temp||"_N"||k;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
close vdata;