ORA-32414: materialized view logs are not compatible with each other for fast refresh
Cause: An attempt was made to create a fast refreshable materialized view on tables which have commit SCN-based materialized view logs and tables which have timestamp-based materialized view logs.
Action: Use COMPLETE REFRESH or change underlying materailized view logs to make them compatible with each other for fast refresh.
ORA-32414: Materialized View Logs Are Not Compatible With Each Other For Fast Refresh
Error Description
ORA-32414 is an Oracle 10g error that is released when a user is attempting to use a fast refresh on a materialized view, but the redo log of the master table and the materialized view log are not compatible. The full text of the error is: “ORA-32414: materialized view logs are not compatible with each other for fast refresh.”
Common Cases
This error typically occurs when a user or application attempts to fast refresh a materialized view without first modifying the materialized view log. If a table on which the materialized view is based is modified, then the materialized view log also needs to be updated before a fast refresh can be done. This can happen when a user adds, modifies, or deletes data from the master table and fails to modify the materialized view log accordingly.
In order to prevent this error from occurring, it is important to modify the materialized view log whenever a change is made to the master table. The materialized view log is used to track the data changes in real time, and must be in sync with the master table for fast refresh to work properly.
If this error does occur, then it can usually be resolved by modifying the materialized view log and then attempting the fast refresh again. In some cases, the master table may need to be rolled back to ensure that the materialized view log is in sync with the master table.