#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import argparseimport osimport reimport sysimport urllibimport jsonimport socketimport urllib.requestimport urllib.parseimport urllib.error# 设置超时import timetimeout = 5socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout)class Crawler: # 睡眠时长 __time_sleep = 0.1 __amount = 0 __start_amount = 0 __counter = 0 headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0', 'Cookie': ''} __per_page = 30 # 获取图片url内容等 # t 下载图片时间间隔 def __init__(self, t=0.1): self.time_sleep = t # 获取后缀名 @staticmethod def get_suffix(name): m = re.search(r'\.[^\.]*$', name) if m.group(0) and len(m.group(0)) <= 5: return m.group(0) else: return '.jpeg' @staticmethod def handle_baidu_cookie(original_cookie, cookies): """ :param string original_cookie: :param list cookies: :return string: """ if not cookies: return original_cookie result = original_cookie for cookie in cookies: result += cookie.split(';')[0] + ';' result.rstrip(';') return result # 保存图片 def save_image(self, rsp_data, word): if not os.path.exists("./" + word): os.mkdir("./" + word) # 判断名字是否重复,获取图片长度 self.__counter = len(os.listdir('./' + word)) + 1 for image_info in rsp_data['data']: try: if 'replaceUrl' not in image_info or len(image_info['replaceUrl']) < 1: continue obj_url = image_info['replaceUrl'][0]['ObjUrl'] thumb_url = image_info['thumbURL'] url = 'https://image.baidu.com/search/down?tn=download&ipn=dwnl&word=download&ie=utf8&fr=result&url=%s&thumburl=%s' % (urllib.parse.quote(obj_url), urllib.parse.quote(thumb_url)) time.sleep(self.time_sleep) suffix = self.get_suffix(obj_url) # 指定UA和referrer,减少403 opener = urllib.request.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [ ('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36'), ] urllib.request.install_opener(opener) # 保存图片 filepath = './%s/%s' % (word, str(self.__counter) + str(suffix)) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filepath) if os.path.getsize(filepath) < 5: print("下载到了空文件,跳过!") os.unlink(filepath) continue except urllib.error.HTTPError as urllib_err: print(urllib_err) continue except Exception as err: time.sleep(1) print(err) print("产生未知错误,放弃保存") continue else: print("+1,已有" + str(self.__counter) + "张") self.__counter += 1 return # 开始获取 def get_images(self, word): search = urllib.parse.quote(word) # pn int 图片数 pn = self.__start_amount while pn < self.__amount: url = 'https://image.baidu.com/search/acjson?tn=resultjson_com&ipn=rj&ct=201326592&is=&fp=result&queryWord=%s&cl=2&lm=-1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&adpicid=&st=-1&z=&ic=&hd=&latest=©right=&word=%s&s=&se=&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&qc=&nc=1&fr=&expermode=&force=&pn=%s&rn=%d&gsm=1e&1594447993172=' % (search, search, str(pn), self.__per_page) # 设置header防403 try: time.sleep(self.time_sleep) req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, headers=self.headers) page = urllib.request.urlopen(req) self.headers['Cookie'] = self.handle_baidu_cookie(self.headers['Cookie'], page.info().get_all('Set-Cookie')) rsp = page.read() page.close() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: print(e) print('-----UnicodeDecodeErrorurl:', url) except urllib.error.URLError as e: print(e) print("-----urlErrorurl:", url) except socket.timeout as e: print(e) print("-----socket timout:", url) else: # 解析json rsp_data = json.loads(rsp, strict=False) if 'data' not in rsp_data: print("触发了反爬机制,自动重试!") else: self.save_image(rsp_data, word) # 读取下一页 print("下载下一页") pn += self.__per_page print("下载任务结束") return def start(self, word, total_page=1, start_page=1, per_page=30): """ 爬虫入口 :param word: 抓取的关键词 :param total_page: 需要抓取数据页数 总抓取图片数量为 页数 x per_page :param start_page:起始页码 :param per_page: 每页数量 :return: """ self.__per_page = per_page self.__start_amount = (start_page - 1) * self.__per_page self.__amount = total_page * self.__per_page + self.__start_amount self.get_images(word)if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-w", "--word", type=str, help="抓取关键词", required=True) parser.add_argument("-tp", "--total_page", type=int, help="需要抓取的总页数", required=True) parser.add_argument("-sp", "--start_page", type=int, help="起始页数", required=True) parser.add_argument("-pp", "--per_page", type=int, help="每页大小", choices=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100], default=30, nargs='?') parser.add_argument("-d", "--delay", type=float, help="抓取延时(间隔)", default=0.05) args = parser.parse_args() crawler = Crawler(args.delay) crawler.start(args.word, args.total_page, args.start_page, args.per_page) # 抓取关键词为 “美女”,总数为 1 页(即总共 1*60=60 张),开始页码为 2 else: # 如果不指定参数,那么程序会按照下面进行执行 crawler = Crawler(0.05) # 抓取延迟为 0.05 crawler.start('美女', 10, 2, 30) # 抓取关键词为 “美女”,总数为 1 页,开始页码为 2,每页30张(即总共 2*30=60 张) # crawler.start('二次元 美女', 10, 1) # 抓取关键词为 “二次元 美女” # crawler.start('帅哥', 5) # 抓取关键词为 “帅哥”
需要安装python版本 >= 3.6
$ python crawling.py -husage: crawling.py [-h] -w WORD -tp TOTAL_PAGE -sp START_PAGE [-pp [{10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}]] [-d DELAY]optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -w WORD, --word WORD 抓取关键词 -tp TOTAL_PAGE, --total_page TOTAL_PAGE 需要抓取的总页数 -sp START_PAGE, --start_page START_PAGE 起始页数 -pp [{10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}], --per_page [{10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}] 每页大小 -d DELAY, --delay DELAY 抓取延时(间隔)
python crawling.py --word "丁真" --total_page 10 --start_page 1 --per_page 30
python crawling.py