ORA-16827: Flashback Database is disabled
Cause: The broker detected that the Flashback Database feature was disabled. With Flashback Database disabled, the broker would not be able to:
– reinstate a database that required reinstatement.
– convert a physical standby database to a snapshot standby database.
– convert a snapshot standby database to a physical standby database. Flashback Database may been disabled manually with the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK DATABASE OFF command or automatically by the database in the event of an error.
Action: Check the database alert log to determine whether Flashback Database was disabled due to errors and then correct the problem. If Flashback Database had been manually disabled, reenable Flashback Database with the ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK DATABASE ON command. If, after enabling Flashback Database, the database still cannot be reinstated or converted, you must re-create the database from a copy of the primary database.
ORA-16827:Flashback Database被禁用。
ORA-16827的错误表示,Flashback Database功能被禁用或没有正确配置,以致数据库不可恢复至之前的某一状态或时间点。
ORA-16827通常是由于Flashback Database被人为禁用所致。在Oracle数据库中,Flashback Database功能可以将数据库恢复至某一时间点或之前的某一状态,但它需要正确配置及会有一定的空间消耗,因此当误将Flashback Database功能禁用或没有正确配置时,ORA-16827错误就会发生。
1、检查Flashback Database 的配置状态。执行”SELECT flashback_on FROM v$database”查询,检查是否启用了Flashback Database功能。
2、如果必须启用Flashback Database功能,可以运行”ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON”命令启用它。
3、使用”ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST=\path\to\location SCOPE=BOTH;”语句设置Flashback Database的输出目录,在这个目录中,将生成存放Flashback Database备份文件的目录。
4、使用”ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=size;”设置Flashback Database日志文件存储空间大小,比如可设置10 GB。
5、使用”ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON RETENTION time;”命令设置Flashback Database功能可查询到的最大时间点,以便指定恢复想要的时间点。
6、确保应用程序开发的事务处理的正确性。在处理事务时,应使用特定的业务逻辑完成,以便有效地管理Flashback Database功能。