1 如何使用进程池执行函数?
a 不返回参数
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from multiprocessing import Process,Manager,Lock,Pool
def sayHi(num):
print "def print result:",num
p = Pool(processes=4)
for i in range(10):
# python demo.py
def print result: 0
def print result: 1
def print result: 2
def print result: 3
def print result: 4
def print result: 5
apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback]]]) 它是非阻塞,apply(func[, args[, kwds]])是阻塞的(理解区别,看例1例2结果区别)
2 进程池使用之坑~~
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from multiprocessing import Process,Manager,Lock,Pool
def sayHi(num):
print "def print result:",num
p = Pool(processes=4)
for i in range(10):
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
def print result: 0
def print result: 1
def print result: 2
def print result: 3
def print result: 4
def print result: 5
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
def print result: 0
def print result: 1
def print result: 2
def print result: 3
def print result: 4
def print result: 5
def print result: 6
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from multiprocessing import Process,Manager,Lock,Pool
def sayHi(num):
print "def print result:",num
p = Pool(processes=4)
for i in range(10):
p.join() #调用join之前,先调用close函数,否则会出错。执行完close后不会有新的进程加入到pool,join函数等待所有子进程结束
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
def print result: 0
def print result: 1
def print result: 2
def print result: 3
def print result: 4
def print result: 5
def print result: 6
def print result: 9
def print result: 8
def print result: 7
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
def print result: 0
def print result: 1
def print result: 2
def print result: 4
def print result: 3
def print result: 5
def print result: 6
def print result: 7
def print result: 8
def print result: 9
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
def print result: 0
def print result: 1
def print result: 2
def print result: 3
def print result: 4
def print result: 5
def print result: 7
def print result: 8
def print result: 9
close() 关闭pool,使其不在接受新的任务。
terminate() 结束工作进程,不在处理未完成的任务。
join() 主进程阻塞,等待子进程的退出, join方法要在close或terminate之后使用。
3 进程池调用后返回参数
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from multiprocessing import Process,Manager,Lock,Pool
def sayHi(num):
return num*num
p = Pool(processes=4)
result_list =[]
for i in range(10):
result_list.append(p.apply_async(sayHi,[i])) #将返回结果append到列表中
for res in result_list:
print "the result:",res.get()
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
the result: 0
the result: 1
the result: 4
the result: 9
the result: 16
the result: 25
the result: 36
the result: 49
the result: 64
the result: 81
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
the result: 0
the result: 1
the result: 4
the result: 9
the result: 16
the result: 25
the result: 36
the result: 49
the result: 64
the result: 81
[root@python thread]# python pool.py
the result: 0
the result: 1
the result: 4
the result: 9
the result: 16
the result: 25
the result: 36
the result: 49
the result: 64
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from multiprocessing import Process,Manager,Lock,Pool
def sayHi(num):
return num*num
p = Pool(processes=4)
result_list =[]
for i in range(10):
result_list.append(p.apply_async(sayHi,[i])) #将返回结果append到列表中
p.join() #调用join之前,先调用close函数,否则会出错。执行完close后不会有新的进程加入到pool,join函数等待所有子进程结束
for res in result_list:
print "the result:",res.get()