基于python 的Pygame最小开发框架
import pygame #制作游戏时要使用的模块
import sys #python的标准库,对内部各功能模块进行初始化创建,系统模块
from random import randint
详情请看此文章:python中的随机数 Random介绍
# 改变窗口尺寸
elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE:
size = w,h = event.w,event.h
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size,pygame.RESIZABLE)
pygame.VIDEORESIZE 这是窗口大小改变事件,事件发生后,返回event.size元组,包含新窗口的宽度和高度。 .size[0] 高度,也可以用event.w表示 .size[1] 宽度,也可以用event.h表示 返回参数仅在事件发生时有用
# 键盘控制挡板
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: #键盘按下事件检测
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # 判断挡板是否左移
if board_rect.left > 0 and board_rect.left <= w - 186:
board_rect.left -= board_x
elif board_rect.left <= 0: # 判断挡板左边的坐标是否小于0
board_rect.left = 0
board_rect.top -= board_y
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # 判断挡板是否右移
if board_rect.right >= 186 and board_rect.right < w:
board_rect.right += board_x
elif board_rect.right >= w: # 判断挡板右边的坐标是否大于屏幕的宽度 board_rect.right = w
board_rect.bottom += board_y
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
# 鼠标左键按下并跟随鼠标移动
if event.buttons[0] == 1:
if event.pos[0] >= 0 and event.pos[0] < w - 186:#判断鼠标的位置
board_rect.left = event.pos[0] #将鼠标的x坐标给Rect对象的左边
elif event.pos[0] >= w - 186 and event.pos[0] <= w:
board_rect.left = w - 186
# board_rect.top = h - 17 #档板位置在底部
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #鼠标按键按下
# 将鼠标当前位置给挡板
if event.button == 1:
if event.pos[0] >= 0 and event.pos[0] < w - 186:#判断鼠标的位置
board_rect.left = event.pos[0] #将鼠标的x坐标给Rect对象的左边
if event.pos[0] >= w - 186 and event.pos[0] <= w:
board_rect.left = w - 186
# board_rect.top = h - 17
# 下方挡板接到小球
if ball_y >= h - 37 and (ball_x >= board_rect.left - 20 and ball_x <= board_rect.left + 206):
move_y = - move_y # y方向速度反向
score += points #得分
count += 1 #次数增加1次
if count == 5: # 每满五次,难度和单次接球得分增加
count = 0 # 接球得分的次数清零
points += points
# x方向速度增加
if move_x > 0:
move_x += 1
move_x -= 1
move_y -= 1
# 下方挡板未接到小球
if ball_y > h - 27 and (ball_x < board_rect.left - 20 or ball_x > board_rect.left + 206):
# 游戏结束
ball_y = 200 #小球所在的位置
# 移动小球
ball_x += move_x
ball_y += move_y
if ball_x <= 20 or ball_x >= w - 20: # 碰到左右两侧墙壁
move_x = - move_x # x方向速度反向
if ball_y <= 20: # 碰到上方墙壁
move_y = - move_y # y方向速度反向
my_score = font.render(str(score), False, (255, 255, 0)) # 创建文字对象(文字,是否平滑,文字颜色)
screen.blit(my_score, (w - 100, 30)) # 将文字添加到窗口上
import sys
from random import randint
import pygame
pygame.init() # 初始化
size = w, h = (600,500) # 屏幕显示的区域,高度和宽度
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size,pygame.RESIZABLE)
pygame.display.set_caption("接球游戏") # 屏幕的标题
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # 帧速率 窗口刷新速度 越大运行越快
board = pygame.image.load(r"D:\pycharm\WorkTime(大二上)\挡板.jpg")
board_rect = board.get_rect() #对图片进行加框 利用surface生成rect
color = pygame.Color(255,255,255) # 屏幕(窗口)的颜色:白色
Green = pygame.Color('green') # 小球的颜色:绿色
# 随机生成小球的x、y坐标(整数,包括两端)
ball_x = randint(20,580)
ball_y = randint(20,200)
# 小球x、y坐标变化量
move_x = 1
move_y = 1
# 挡板x、y坐标变化量
board_x = 46
board_y = 0
score=0 #得分
font=pygame.font.Font(r'D:\字库\书法和新增字库\微软雅黑.ttf',60) #设置字体(前者是字体路径)和字体大小
points=1 #一次接球的加分
count=0 #接球得分的次数
# size1 = board.get_size() #获取图片大小
# print(size1)
while True:
board_rect.top = h - 17
for event in pygame.event.get(): # pygame.event.get() 从事件队列中取出事件,并从队列中删除该事件
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# 改变窗口尺寸
elif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE:
size = w,h = event.w,event.h
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size,pygame.RESIZABLE)
# 键盘控制挡板
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: # 挡板左移
if board_rect.left > 0 and board_rect.left <= w - 186:
board_rect.left -= board_x
elif board_rect.left <= 0: # 判断挡板左边的坐标是否小于0
board_rect.left = 0
board_rect.top -= board_y
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: # 挡板右移
if board_rect.right >= 186 and board_rect.right < w:
board_rect.right += board_x
elif board_rect.right >= w: # 判断挡板右边的坐标是否大于屏幕的宽度 board_rect.right = w
board_rect.bottom += board_y
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
# 鼠标左键按下并跟随鼠标移动
if event.buttons[0] == 1:
if event.pos[0] >= 0 and event.pos[0] < w - 186:#判断鼠标的位置
board_rect.left = event.pos[0] #将鼠标的x坐标给Rect对象的左边
elif event.pos[0] >= w - 186 and event.pos[0] <= w:
board_rect.left = w - 186
# board_rect.top = h - 17 #档板位置在底部
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #鼠标按键按下
# 将鼠标当前位置给挡板
if event.button == 1:
if event.pos[0] >= 0 and event.pos[0] < w - 186:#判断鼠标的位置
board_rect.left = event.pos[0] #将鼠标的x坐标给Rect对象的左边
if event.pos[0] >= w - 186 and event.pos[0] <= w:
board_rect.left = w - 186
# board_rect.top = h - 17
# 下方挡板接到小球
if ball_y >= h - 37 and (ball_x >= board_rect.left - 20 and ball_x <= board_rect.left + 206):
move_y = - move_y # y方向速度反向
score += points
count += 1
if count == 5: # 每满五次,难度和单次接球得分增加
count = 0 # 接球得分的次数清零
points += points
# x方向速度增加
if move_x > 0:
move_x += 1
move_x -= 1
move_y -= 1
# 下方挡板未接到小球
if ball_y > h - 27 and (ball_x < board_rect.left - 20 or ball_x > board_rect.left + 206):
# 游戏结束
ball_y = 200
# 移动小球
ball_x += move_x
ball_y += move_y
if ball_x <= 20 or ball_x >= w - 20: # 碰到左右两侧墙壁
move_x = - move_x # x方向速度反向
if ball_y <= 20: # 碰到上方墙壁
move_y = - move_y # y方向速度反向
# 显示分数
my_score = font.render(str(score), False, (255, 255, 0)) # 创建文字对象(文字,是否平滑,文字颜色)
screen.blit(my_score, (w - 100, 30)) # 将文字添加到窗口上
screen.blit(board,board_rect) #将一个图像绘制在另一个图像上 把surface对象覆盖到移动后的rect对象
pygame.draw.circle(screen, Green, (ball_x, ball_y), 20) # 绘制小球
pygame.display.update() # 对显示窗口进行更新,默认窗口全部重绘