本人硬件环境:MAC Pro;开发环境:JDK7,Android SDK,并正确配置了环境变量。Python不知道是mac自带的,还是我以前装过。。。 编写个简单脚本 #coding=utf-8 # Imports the monkeyrunner modules used by this program from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice # Connects to the current device, returning a MonkeyDevice object device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection() # Installs the Android package. Notice that this method returns a boolean, so you can test # to see if the installation worked. #device.installPackage('myproject/bin/MyApplication.apk') # sets a variable with the package's internal name package = 'com.wankr.app.doubi' # sets a variable with the name of an Activity in the package activity = 'com.wankr.app.doubi.MainActivity' # sets the name of the component to start runComponent = package + '/' + activity # Runs the component device.startActivity(component=runComponent) MonkeyRunner.sleep(5) # Takes a screenshot result = device.takeSnapshot() # Writes the screenshot to a file result.writeToFile('/Users/HanHongmin/Documents/start.png','png') MonkeyRunner.sleep(2) # for i in range(1,3): device.drag((400,500),(100,500),0.2,10) MonkeyRunner.sleep(1) # Takes a screenshot result2 = device.takeSnapshot() # Writes the screenshot to a file result2.writeToFile('/Users/HanHongmin/Documents/exit.png','png') device.press('KEYCODE_HOME',MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP) 命令行直接 monkeyrunner /Users/HanHongmin/Documents/wankr/monkeyrunner/test.py 脚本中可用的更多API请参照官方文档或者度娘 补充:获取局部图像进行比较 获取图像的一部分:subPic = result.getSubImage((0,57,715,1123)) 图像比较:newpic.sameAs(subPic,1.0)