create table tpoint(
gid serial primary key,
geom geometry(Point,4326)
create index tpoint_geom_idx on tpoint using gist(geom);
insert into tpoint(geom) SELECT st_setsrid((ST_Dump(p_geom)).geom,4326)
from (select ST_GeneratePoints(ST_GeomFromText("Polygon((117.357442 30.231278,119.235188 30.231278,119.235188 32.614617,117.357442 32.614617,117.357442 30.231278))"), 300000) as p_geom) as b
SELECT width_bucket(st_x(geom), 117.057442 ,119.235188 ,20) grid_x, width_bucket(st_y(geom), 30.431278 , 32.614617, 20) grid_y,
count(*), st_centroid(st_collect(geom)) geom, array_agg(gid) gids
from tpoint where st_x(geom) between 117.057442 and 119.235188 and st_y(geom) between 30.431278 and 32.614617 GROUP BY grid_x,grid_y
SELECT width_bucket(st_x(geom), 117.057442 ,119.235188 ,20) grid_x, width_bucket(st_y(geom), 30.431278 , 32.614617, 20) grid_y,
count(*), st_centroid(st_collect(geom)) geom, array_agg(gid) gids
from tpoint where st_x(geom) between 117.057442 and 119.235188 and st_y(geom) between 30.431278 and 32.614617 GROUP BY grid_x,grid_y
aggregate effects
PostgreSQL 9.6.0 手册